Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Seven Consulting Pty Ltd Ph: +61 (2) 9232 4538 Seven Consulting is a niche, independent supplier of project and program management consulting services to manage complex, large-scale IT-enabled business transformation projects and programs for ASX Top 100 companies to defined Scope, Quality, Cost and Schedule outcomes. We deliver new projects and rescue problematic projects for our clients, as well as help them improve their own project management capability. Our focus on only hiring the Top 10% of professionals in their field and then instilling into them our key values of Teamwork, Transparency and Delivery has enabled us to provide a market leading and innovative service for clients who lack the in-house capability required to manage these type of programs. This in turn is validated by our long reference list (available upon request) over 12 years of successful delivery of these services, with a success rate of over 90%, well above the industry average of 39%.

A Barker - crier of the court and a Bailiff - minor court official with police authority joins ANU Debating Society in O-Week after seeing a letter of their patron Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia. In the first week Vice President of the ANU Debating Society prints a defamatory document in ANU Debating News Letter. The Barker and Bailiff ask for an apology and the behaviour to stop immediately. Vice President Kath Cummins studying classics and law aspires to be a Fairfax journalist. However the Barker and Bailiff provides the ANU Debating Society an ultimatum of informing Patron Chief Justice of the High Court Sir Anthony Mason, Justice Mary Gaudron whose son went to school with his brother, Justice Michael Kirby who attended the World Health Organisation AIDS Conference in Seoul with his stepfather and of the Managing Director of makers of Scrabble after all they had defamed Scrabble and all of those who played Scrabble.

After Managing Director of the makers of Scrabble contacted the Barker and Bailiff who had founded the ANU Scrabble Society, he agreed to write a letter to the Chief Justice of the High Court as he was Patron of the ANU Debating Society who had defamed Scrabble, the ANU Debating Society had already incited and encouraged and aided and abetted Rachel Michelle Piercey studying Political Science who aspired to join the Australian Army, fabricated evidence being a letter to the ANU Committee Against Sexual Harassment asking the ANU to do something about the Barker and Bailiff. When Barker and Bailiff met Harry Geddes at the ANU Committee Against Sexual Harassment, he was read the 7 allegations that had been made against Barker Bailiff, naturally he denied the allegations and told Harry Geddes what had been actually going on ANU Debating Society. Harry Geddes said that Barker and Bailiff was actually the one being harassed in this case.

Once ANU Committee Against Sexual Harassment complaint by Rachel Michelle Piercey failed, Harry Geddes told her that Barker and Bailiff said he would just get a restraining order against Rachel Michelle Piercey. This idea in Rachel Michelle Piercey grew and she then started fabricating evidence for Philip Alan Selth ANU Pro-Vice Chancellor as to why ANU should indemnify her against legal costs by hiring lawyer. Richard Refshuage Deacons Graham James was hired for Rachel Michelle Piercey. So Rachel Michelle Piercey fabricated evidence, made a false accusation, committed perjury to her fellow ANU student friend and lover Constable Harry Thomas Hains of Australian Federal Police. Rachel Michelle Piercey made false accusation of threat to kill if she doesn't stop defaming him, Kath Cummins was actaully defaming him. Richard Refshuage got the restraining order for Rachel Michelle Piercey prohibiting from actaully going to his own lectures in 400 seat hall.

Once Rachel Michelle Piercey got restraining order she fabricated evidence that Barker and Bailiff actually knocked on her John XXIII door. Once Rachel Michelle Piercey fabricated evidence that Barker and Bailiff knocked on her John XXIII College door, she made a second false accusation that Barker and Bailiff rode around her at the ANU. Then a false accusation that Barker and Bailiff rang her on one occasion. Then a false accusation that Barker and Bailiff rang her a second time. Barker and Bailiff was arrested 5 times by Australian Federal Police. Barker and Bailiff was remanded for 55 days in Belconnen Remand Centre. Then Barker and Bailiff was taken to Canberra Hospital for an assessment. Constable Harry Thomas Hains rang Canberra Hospital to find out what access Barker and Bailiff had to make telephone calls. Constable Harry Thomas Hains informed Rachel Michelle Piercey and she fabricated evidence that Barker and Bailiff rang her from hospital.

Psychiatric nurse Mark Ryan was rung by the Australian Federal Police and told Barker and Bailiff had rung Rachel Michelle Piercey from hospital and that this was a breach of the restraining order and that the Australian Federal Police would like to arrest Barker and Bailiff. Mark Ryan told them that it was impossible that Barker and Bailiff rang Rachel Michelle Piercey. Rachel Michelle Piercey told Detective Constable Dave Baker that she had been raped by Barker and Bailiff. Detective Constable Dave Baker interviewed Barker and Bailiff in court cells on Friday of that week. Detective Constable Dave Baker told Barker and Bailiff that he knew how to get out of secure psychiatric ward in Woden, rape Rachel Michelle Piercey and then get back to secure psychiatric ward in Woden without being detected by anyone. Barker and Bailiff was convicted of four false accusations as the cases had entirely defeated the principles of the legal system. Just appeal.

The ANU Debating Society had ensured Barker and Bailiff was in Belconnen Remand Centre when the Patron Chief Justice of High Court of Australia attended the annual ANU Deabting Society dinner with Philip Alan Selth and Richard Refshuage in attendence. Kath Cummins fabricated 5 more defamatory documents with Barker and Bailiff's name as though Barker and Bailiff actually wrote all 5 of them. After 5 arrests, 7 charges, 38 court appearances and 55 days in remand Barker and Bailiff filed his Supreme Court appeal and Justice John Gallop said, "I am going to acquit you now as the way the cases have been conducted in the Magistrates Court entirely defeats the principles of the legal system." As soon as Rachel Michelle Piercey's restraing order expired Philip Alan Selth ANU Pro Vice - Chancellor applied for a restraining order and Rachel Michelle Piercey accused Tjarda Strienstra of having threatened to kil her as he had given evidence in court. 

In 1994 at World’s Debating Tournament at Melbourne University Kath Cummins caused a security scare by saying that someone had threatened to kill her and she also circulated another defamatory document with Barker and Bailiff name on it as though he wrote it. The Chief Adjudicator Michael Gronow told all everyone that the ANU Debating Society had caused a security scare by someone had threatened to kill them and that they had delayed the tournament for half an hour and if they delay the tournament any longer that someone will threaten to kill them. Kath Cummins had incited and encouraged Rachel Michelle Piercey to fabricate evidence, make false accusations, commit perjury, commit perjury with the intent to procure a conviction and pervert the course of justice in 1992, 1993, 1994. Simon Brettel President of ANU Debating Society wrote a letter of apology concerning behaviour of ANU Kath Cummins and Kate Kelly.

As Barker and Bailiff had given ANU Debating Society 3 years to provide all the evidence he needed he prepared a few High Court Writ. The first being Writ of Negligence against Chief Justice of High Court and the second being a Writ of Mandamus against Chief Justice of High Court of Australia, Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney Police Commissioners, Directors of Public Prosecutions, Ombudsman, Administrator (Northern Territory), Governors, Governor – General, Members of Legislative Assembly, Members of Legislative Council, Members of House of Representatives, Senators and Senior Officers of Higher Education - 1788. Barker and Bailiff faxed High Court Writ to 224 Commonwealth Parliament Members. Every Police Commissioner contacted Canberra in one week in 1995 and the Australian Crime Commission Act was passed in 2002. The Australian Crime Commission is the elite law enforcement agency in Australia.

Barker and Bailiff gave Chief Justice of the High Court 612 6270 6949 149 notice of inciting and encouraging, aiding and abetting, to fabricate evidence, make a false accusation, commit perjury, commit perjury with the intent to procure a conviction and pervert the course of justice in 1995 by the ANU Debating Society with a pre-event reminder in a letter to Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia and this letter was faxed to Philip Ruddock, Michael Lavarch, Australian Federal Police Commissioner 612 6131 5600, AFP Commander of Crime Squad, AFP Commander of Internal Investigations and Commonwealth Ombudsman. Rachel Michelle Piercey applied for a restraining order on "the basis a gun was held at her head" and "if he did not get his way he would kill her." Kate Kelly made a false accusation of threat to kill to Detective Superintendant Tim Fisher in 1996 and they all presume I will just not tell you.

Meanwhile Kath Cummins is in Washington working for Global Network Initiative - she is clearly unaware it only took one phone call to the Chief Executive Fairfax and another to Chief Executive Australian Broadcasting Corporation and she was fired from her China employment. Meanwhile Rachel Michelle Piercey is in Washington working for Development Alternative Incorporated - she is clearly unaware it only took send to 20 literary agents want my work and Chief Executive Officer Development Alternative Incorporated will fire her from employment. Meanwhile Philip Alan Selth is in Sydney - he is clearly unaware s.52 Statute of Limitations Act does apply for Barker and Bailiff to sue all. Meanwhile Barker and Bailiff is in Sydney after having made a United Nations "not guilty by reason of mental impairment" precedent and waits to make Universal Declaration of Human Rights precedent.



The Australian National University Debating Society; Australian Fellatio Police; aided by: Philip Alan Selth, Pro Vice-Chancellor, The Australian National University; Richard Refshauge, Deacons, Graham & James; Chris Chenoweth, Mallesons, Stephen & Jacques; mea culpa in  Contempt of High Court Rules, by intimidating me from litigating against the Chief Justice of the High Court QC CBE KBE AC HonLLD (A.N.U.) 1980, for negligence, by affiliating  and associating with and endorsing as Patron, on behalf of the High Court of Australia, an organisation whose criminal activity has provoked:- 6:116-21, 6:31

Avot 4:22 “I want to play Scrabble® and I want a Monopoly® on global justice, equity and truth!”
Amicus Curae Alexander Marcel André Sebastian Barker Bailiff ASIO CIA FBI FSB MI7 SC Ph.D. Laws (H.C.) (A.N.U.) 5755, THE SIN, THE SOS, THE SUN, Canberra, Australia.
A Nobel Peace Prize, BEM (British Empire Medal) UK,  SC (Star of Courage) + Cross of  Valour AUS, a DIC (Distinguished Intelligence Cross) US are posthumously awarded
at a state funeral for a voluntary act or acts of extraordinary heroism involving the accepting of existing dangers with conspicious fortitude and exemplary courage. STATE R.I.P.

 “You can’t expose the negligence of the Chief Justice of the High Court, you will get a bullet in your head to silence you.” Psalm 146:3-4 “You are extremely dangerous!” Psalm 146:3-4 “Fix It!” 555
Uncle Wilfrid Barker OOM (Olympic Order of  Merit), Won Sports Marketing and Management bid to hold 2000 Olympics, Sydney, Australia,  612 9428 3436 612 9418 3647

“When 2:44 Richard Refshauge Job 38:11 [R B 23 Elliot Pl Cmpbl 6249 6176] realises what he has got to lose,
 I believe 4:112 Rachel Michelle Piercey will be killed and you will be framed for her murder!”
David Matthews, ACT Council of Social Services or Chief Ministers Department, Canberra, Australia. 612 6248 7566  612 6247 7171 or 612 6207 5111 0418 879 830

“I believe Rachel Michelle Piercey will be killed before you, as she will expose the others crime”
Graham Campbell, Member for Worlds Biggest Electorate, Canberra, Australia.  41 22 799 9100 0015 41 22 799 9189

“An entirely new 6:20:1 United Nations needs to be set up to deal with these cases! 10:52”
Dr Barry Jones AO 1993 (Order of Australia), Member of Parliament, Canberra, Australia.  612 6277 7700 612 6273 4100

“It sounds more like a Harrison Ford movie.” 10:94 “It sounds more like a James Bond movie.”
David Simmons, Member of Parliament, Canberra, Australia.  1 202 797 3000 0015 1 202 797 3414 a Nadine Behan 614 3503 4850

“Just piss off! 10:108-9 I hope you have got a good libel lawyer. 11:71”[Godo Hughes 0418 544 644]
Dick Bolkus sodomises 1990 ANUDS President Simon Banks, Shadow Attorney-General, Shadow Minister for Justice, Adelaide, Australia.  618 8352 7477  618 8234 1165

“Keep up the good work, Alexander!” 555 “Write to the office.” [I did first write to 1788!]
Alexander Downer, Minister Foreign Affairs/Trade, 612 6277 7500 612 6273 4112 or Paul Keating, Prime Minister, Australia. 612 9223 7282

“I am only an Archbishop!” 555 [I pray at St Johns Reid that Refshauge quickly kills me!]
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize 1984, HonLLD (A.N.U.) 1994, when I asked for assistance in seeking political asylum in South Africa.  1225

“You will definitely be killed if you expose this major criminal activity.” [A state funeral?]
Alex Telman, Norm Gallagher's Barrister, Melbourne, Australia. 613 9592 8887 or 0409 742 274

“This is a major injustice!” 11:78 “You just have to sue someone!” [I Mandamus sued 1788]
Chris Murphy, Solicitor, 612 9264 2144 612 9283 1997 or ABC QC Barrister, Litocracy, Sydney, Australia. 612 9335 3097 612 9335 3099

“Okay Alex, 18:110 you have proven what is going on is  going on, but is it worth your life?”
Contemptous Kerry O’Brien, Presenter, Lateline, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney, Australia.  612 6275 4640  612 6275 4555  0412 825 411

“You will be hearing from the force of nature!” [As I Negligence £7,000,000,000 sued 1788?]
Roger Grant, Intelligence, International and Corporate Relations Director, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney, Australia.  612 9334 7700  612 9334 7799

“This is very serious, if anyone had held a gun at anyone’s head they would be in jail
by now!” 555 “Officials, can not afford to let you be killed as you will be made a martyr.”
Dt Supt Ed Hadzic, Dep Commander, Internal Investigations 39 06 85 2721 0015 39 06 8527 2300 or  Jeff Brown AFP, Canberra, Australia 612 6256 7777 612 6256 1797

“If you keep going this way, to expose it, we will have a murder to investigate.”
 Dt  Supt Reginald Bastik, Commander AFP Community Relations, Canberra, now Australian Tax Office.  612 6216 1082  612 6216 2743  0419 974 673

“I guarantee a Royal Commission when you are killed and I have the power, too.”
City Patrol Sgt Jeffrey Brown BEM 1972 (British Empire Medal), United Nations Transitional Authority in East Timor, Dili.  62 21 52 27111 0015 62 21 52 27101

“Police 19:45 know how to commit criminal offences and get away with it.”
Commander George Davidson, Commander, Internal Investigations, Australian Fellatio Police, Canberra, Australia.  612 6275 7611 612 6275 7240

“You are a fucking cocksucker! [Pru Howard] I will personally take you to Goulburn jail.
You will never work out what is going on and even if you do you will never be able to prove it!”
Let's expose Harry Thomas Hains 4928 BA (ANU) (Oh.) and OIC Dt Sgt Russell Northcott on Christmas Island via local AFP switch or 618 9164 8444 618 9164 8440

Why don't you just kill yourself?” 555 “I sincerely hope you are not killed!
Simon Overland AFP Chief Operating Officer 612 6275 7701 612 6275 7240 or Prof Deane Terrell, ANU Vice-Chancellor, Canberra, Australia. 612 6125 8143 612 6125 0097

“I have no intention of getting involved in anyway in the matters you have raised for reasons which I am sure you will understand. I just do not believe that anyone will be trying to kill you for the actions you have taken.” Ph.D. Laws (ANU)
Professor Peter Baume AO 1992 (Order of Australia), Chancellor, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.  612 9385 2517  612 9313 6185 or 0419 997 505

I would not be surprised if you were killed before your next birthday!
At 16, I gave Phaedra Complex Professor Philip W. Bates Barrister a broken nose & cheekbone & 2 black eyes, University of Sydney, 61 2 9351 0260 61 2 9351 0200

“Best wishes in your struggle.” [Thanks Desmond Tutu & Nelson Mandela for helping!]
Brian Burdekin AO 5755 (Order of Australia), Special Adviser to United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland.  41 2 2917 3960

“Alexander, thanks for your support for the United Nations.” [Thanks Kofi Annan!]
Richard Butler AM 1992 (Member of the Order of Australia), Executive Chairman, The United Nations Special Commission, New York, United States of America. 1225

“Alex, you are the second coming of the Messiah!” 555 “Someone has to do it!”
Canberra Psychologist/Sociologist just ask Archbishop George Carey, Lambeth Palace London SE1 7JU  44 (0)171 928 8282 44 (0)171 261 9836 or Nadine Behan 614 3503 4850

“There seems to be a fairly general misunderstanding of the situation.” Albert Einstein

 “My A1 Scrabble®score is 267 - for only 1 word.” 001
“He knows no fear, he knows no danger, he knows nothing.”

People named in High Court Writs, outlining their criminal activity in 92, 93, 94, 95 & 96
requesting arrest & Court Martial @ RMC Duntroon & Committal for Contempt of High Court.
Bayliss, A. Writ of Mandamus against Chief Justice of High Court of Australia, 03/01/95, page XXVIII.
        Simon Brettel                          1991-3 President      [C.T. 24/3/00][ANUTECH own ANU]
        Kath Cummins                                    1992    Vice-President [Australian Financial Review ABC]
        Tim Hughes                            1992    Treasurer           [Kings Cross (Dealer) & Bum Boy]
        Kirsten Edwards                                 1992    Editor [University Technology Sydney Anal Law]
        [Associate High Court J.Michael Kirby 1997-8 612 6270 6969 Pres Int Comm Jurists]
        Matthew Sag                           1992    Editor [Corrs Chamber Westie]
        [Associate Federal Court J.Paul Finn had sex with Sag & left Family Court J.Mary Finn]
        Stella Gaha                  [Jones]            1992    Sponsorship Officer       [Australian Democrats]
        Rachel Michelle Piercey         1992    Assistant Sponsorship Officer [RMC  SO TRG Plan]
        Philip Alan Selth                     ANU Pro Vice-Chancellor Admin & Plan  [NSW Bar Association]
        Richard Refshauge      ANU from MCG   [ANU Adjunct Professor/ACT DPP/Anglicans]
        Chris Chenoweth                    ANU from MSJ     [Christopher Chenoweth & ACT Law Society]
        Malcolm Brennan       ANU from Malleson Stephen Jacques    [Ask Fr Frank Brennan]
        Stephen Herrick                      ANU Legal Officer        [Son Andrew a popular ANUDS Member]
        Michael Helman                      I hired from Ahern Morris Vincent   [Petty fraud Helman + Co]
        Timothy Chadwick     I hired from Snedden Hall Gallop  [Also fired at Federal Court]
        AUSTRALIAN FELLATIO POLICE                             ‘GOT MITT UNS’      MATTHEW 3:7
        Harry Thomas Hains              AFP Constable 4928   [“You are a fucking cocksucker!”]
        Adrian Kraft                           AFP Constable 3260   [“You are a fucking cocksucker!”]
        Kelvin George Thorn              AFP Constable 1639   [“You are a fucking cocksucker!”]
        Robert Duncan                                    AFP Constable 4174   [“You are a fucking cocksucker!”]
        Paul Sherring                           AFP Constable 4545   [“You are a fucking cocksucker!”]
        Anthony Crocker                                AFP Constable 4832   [“You are a fucking cocksucker!”]
        Darren Bretherton                   AFP Constable 4997   [“You are a fucking cocksucker!”]

“It is absurd that a careless  sinner, not convicted of sin, can intelligently and thankfully accept the gospel offer of pardon.” Charles  Finney

________________                                    XXVIII                        __________________          
        Deponent                                                                                                        Registrar         
“My A1 Scrabble®score is 267 - for only 1 word.” 001

“He knows no fear, he knows no danger, he knows nothing.”


OED Statement in the matter  of  QED 1100 hours Monday  5  June  5755  C of  HQJOC raison d’ etre

Malheur aux details, c’est une vermine qui tue les grands ouvrages A = mc2 v = de2 - c
NAME: A1 Alexander Marcel Andrè Sebastian Barker Bailiff SC AKA: Mr Healesville
IQ: >150 DOB: 1803 25/8/70 1800552275 Tell: 61 2 6283 3533 Facts: 61 2 6281 3760
REGISTERED OFFICE: Ernst & Young L7 51 Allara St Canberra ACT 2600 61 2 6267 3888
POSTAL ADDRESS: Refshauge Rm L4 Chancelry Blg 10 LPO Box 70 ANU Canberra  ACT  0200

I’m Popish Erastian Salopian AAlexander Marcel Andrè Sebastian Barker Bailiff SC. On 10th January 1990 I incorporated ABCO ENTERPRISES PTY LTD ACN 008 657 869. On 7th February 1990 I registered ABCO MARKETING RN F00054960. I am a social, political, legal, economic, commercial & ideological theory exculpator dhimmi – a 4:14 S.P.L.E.C.I.T.E.D. In my ANU O-Week 1992, I founded The Australian National University Scrabble® Society as, “I am perhaps undoubtedly the most avid and loyal zealot of Scrabble® .”$  On 16th July 1992, I was contracted to develop complementary Scrabble® products for J.W. Spear & Son to license, manufacture & market worldwide, in exchange for 7% worldwide royalties.
($.) Buchanan, A. Letter to Ian Anderson G.M. of J.W. Spear & Son with idea of Scrabble® cufflinks, studs, earrings, fashion accessories + A1 Tie Pin, 3/9/94.

At 10:22pm on Wednesday 10th May 5755, 21:18 I was arrested in High Court of Australia,
for failing to pay $352 in fines for trespass as I was caught reading The Canberra Times,
The Sydney Morning Herald & The Australian in the ANU library on 23rd November 1993.
In default of paying $352 in fines, I spent 4 days in the police station cells. A surveillance
camera recorded me again being bashed by Australian Fellatio Police due to fellators’
Restraining Order (5755/1422). Ex-Forbes Rachel Michelle Piercey 21:41 of John XXIII
College 61 2 6279 4999 is foris lex & utlagatum as she has swallowed Harry Hains semen.

Déjà vu - Mark 9:24 Rachel Michelle Piercey 21:47 faux pas (5755/1422) writing "Stated that
he would 'come over' and 'teach (me) a lesson' ... that there was a 'gun pointed at (my)
head'.  And that he would kill me if he 'didn't get his way'." And "Repeatedly telephoned
in the early hours of the morning, made threats, and followed me at university." Check!

ANU Debating Society & Law Society 23:73 Richard Refshauge, Chris Erskine, Graham Blank,
Simon Banks, Simon Brettel, Gavin Lee, Kath Cummins, Tim Hughes, Kirsten UTS Edwards,
Matthew Sag, Anita Smith, Stella Gaha, Mark Nolan, Daniel Mulino, Fiona Toll and "special
interest"* Harry Hains; incited & encouraged, aided & abetted, Rachel Michelle Piercey to Zin,
fabricate evidence, make false accusations, commit perjury, commit perjury with the
intent to procure a conviction & pervert the course of justice in 92, 93, 94, 95 & 96 for a
peer group, friends, coprophilia, cunnilingus after fellatio & piss of Harry Hains & Adrian
Craft & Stephen MSJ Byron is Sodomised by guest Malcolm Turnbull. 61 2 6275 2222/44.
*161092 Record of Harry Hains to Chief Magistrate Ron Cahill, "It was beyond my duty.""Because I have a special interest." Expression ”She even swallows.”

Rachel Michelle Piercey faux pas (5755/1422) before Magistrate to be in Contempt of a Moron
& High Court to stop me attending ANU Debating Society & Law Society Cock Tale
Party at Great Hall of High Court of Australia at 7:00pm on Wednesday 10th of May 5755
and ensure casus belli & foederis after I am shot in my XC Volvo YCS 43H. A1Checkmate!

“My A1 Scrabble®score is 267 - for only 1 word.” 001
“He knows no fear, he knows no danger, he knows nothing.”

Malheur aux details, c’est une vermine qui tue les grands ouvrages A = mc2 v = de2 - c
A Cock Tale Party was attended by ANU Debating Society Patron and Chief Justice of High
Court of Australia, to 21st April 5755, Sir A1 Anthony Frank Mason AC KBE; Chief Justice
of High Court of Australia, from 21st April 5755, Sir (Francis) Gerrard Brennan AC KBE;
Commonwealth of Australia Attorney-General Michael Hugh Lavarch (ALP); ANU Vice-
Chancellor, Professor Richard Deane Terrell and Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor
Dennis Charles Pearce hired Richard Refshauge for Rachel Michelle Piercey, quid pro quo.

Rachel Michelle Piercey was in Contempt of High Court Rules, as I had libelled her and her
peers 24:19 in Writ of Mandamus and Writ of Negligence, I lodged against Patron of ANU
Debating Society on 3rd January 5755. When I met Sir A1 Anthony Frank Mason AC KBE,
at 7:10pm, I showed him suit he purchased 2 days after his appointment to High Court on
Monday 7th August 1972, that I wear as I protect Chief Justice of High Court, Governor-
General, President International Commission Jurists and Pope’s Apology to Oceania 9:26.
At 7:34pm I gave Sir A1 Anthony Frank Mason AC KBE my Writ of Mandamus and my Writ
of Negligence I covertly lodged in High Court of Australia on Tuesday 3rd January 5755.

In these Writs, I also foretold of criminal activity being committed in 5755 by the ANU
Debating Society executive and committee members, named above, as they did in 92, 93, 94, 95
& 96. In a judicious letter to Sir A1 completed at 3:38am
Wednesday 10th May 5755 I foretold of inciting and encouraging criminal activity to
ensure police aid and abet prohibiting me from getting to High Court at 7.00pm 10th
May 5755. I faxed my letter to a mate ANU Council Member Philip Ruddock at 3:38:59am;
Attorney-General Michael Lavarch at 4:01:08am; Australian Fellatio Police:- Commissioner
Michael Palmer at 4:04:03am; Crime Squad Commander Ric Ninness at 4:06:58am; a mate
Internal Investigations Deputy Commander Edward Hadzic at 4:10:53am; Commonwealth
Ombudsman Philippa Smith at 4:13:47am; And foe ANU Debating Society at 12:32:49pm.
The crimes were committed 149 days after I lodged Writs and 7 hours after I faxed letter.

I can say 24:24 in relation to the alleged grounds outlined in Application for Restraining
Order (95/1422), I never ejaculated or erected penis in Rachel Michelle Piercey’s mouth;
said that I would kill her if I did not get my way; telephoned or threatened her anywhere;
sworn at her; followed her while at ANU or anywhere else. Army Chief will Job 16:12 me.

The Republic Plato 376 BC said, "And so if anyone else is found in our state telling lies, he
will be punished for introducing a practice likely to capsize and wreck the ship of state."
These facts are Socratic (d. 399 BC), serendiptious (1754), polemic and pleonastic. I do
know, when tendered as evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution for perjury if I have DX
wilfully stated any fact which I do know to be false and/or do not believe to be true. Your
carte blanche is as a crier of the court and as a minor court official with police authority.
AAmicus Curae Alexander Marcel Andrè Sebastian Barker Bailiff ASIO CIA FBI FSB MI7 SC
A  Ban Ki Moon 25:1 Psalm XC IV Secretary General UNITED NATIONS 272 1761 2531/4193
Matthew 5:45 taken by Dt Supt Tim Fisher 884 DNA INTERPOL  1200 hours 5th June 5755.
A  Raymond Kendall 25:1 Psalm XC IV Secretary General INTERPOL  33 4 7244 7000/7163
Con Job 3:14 Commissioner Penis in his Palms EXECUTIVE INTERPOL  612 6275 7611/7240

“My A1 Scrabble®score is 267 - for only 1 word.” 001
“He knows no fear, he knows no danger, he knows nothing.”

Dear 0432 323 342, My great grandfather is Sergeant "William Barker" 41 years - Tasmania, my grandapa Mervyn Barker - a lieutenant, my uncle Wilfird Barker, Army Major 18 years. My dad grew up in Admiralty House in Scotland for 19 years as his father was in charge of a torpedo testing station, after being Jacques Frederick Bayliss being an allied Commander during World War II. I know whats what and whats not. Bayliss is derived from..I made R v Bailiff.
"Not guilty by reason of mental impairment" is Chief Justice Terence Higgins saying, "I am familiar with International Classification of Impairment Disability Handicap: Not Guilty." Every court has impaired in it, every jail has impaired in it, a precedent means very little if people do not actually know about it.
Even fewer people, sue the Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia and prompt every police commissioner to contact Canberra in one week about my High Court case. They rang Commander Don Mcullough Head of Internal Investigation. He rang me and said, "I am in absolute disbelief as in the last week every police commissioner in the country contacted me regarding your High Court Writ. And you one hell of a knack of predicting things, yes the police bashing you wrote about in the High Court Writ was on video." Needless to say, A, B, C, D, H, M, P, S police commissioners all work for me in 1995.
The Australian Crime Commission is governed by the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002.
The Australian Crime Commission commenced operation on 1 January 2003.
If you consider, all the evidence archived at you will find
If you consider the calibre of my contribution to society of a High Court Writ against 1788 Police Commissioner, Directors of Public Prosecutions, Ombudsman, Administrator (NT), Governors, Governor - General, Members of Legislative Assembly, Members of Legislative Council, Members of House of Representatives, Senators, Senior Officers of Higher Education and Chief Justice of High Court of Australia you will find my effort is unprecedented.
It is also incongruent with inciting and encouraging, aiding and abetting, Rachel Michelle Piercey 6 March 1973 b Scefferville Quebec Canada, to fabricated evidence, make false accusations, commit perjury, commit perjury with the intent to procure a conviction and pervert course of justice in 92, 93, 94, & 95.
It would only be a very stupid person who would sue 1788 in High Court and then hold a gun at Rachel Michelle Piercey's get a long life in jail.
Considering a Barker is a crier of the court and a Bailiff is a minor court official with police authority, I am really in touch with my family ancient history.
I am "Alexander Marcel Andre Sebastian Barker Bailiff" and I am able for you to excite society with whatever story you feel you could write. Thanks
If you do your home work, you will find Uncle Wilf Barker was "Australia most significant television player ever." Then he started Channel 10 in Melbourne.
Then Rupert Murdoch bought it and Uncle Wilf became Ruperts right hand man and they raised US$40 million for the Los Angeles Games. Uncle Wilf came back and started Sports Marketing and Management and did a great many things, before he won bid to hold 2000 Olympics in Sydney. He then raised US$2,600,000,000 in media and marketing rights. He also won a logie for Australia live...I made and I rang the Australian Olympic Committee to let them know what I am working on and about the and my ultimate expose...You can be it!!!!
I am able to meet you...if you promise you will not attack Sir Anthony for his negligence or Andrew for waiting until my case is extremely public. Thanks

The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954)
De- tective-Sergeant Fleming conducted the case for the prosecution, and Mr. ... PoliceSergeant William Barker gave evidence that accused came before the ...

Great Grandpa William Barker 1870 - 1966 Grandpa Mervyn Barker 1906 - 1980
Sgt William Barker is longest serving police officer in Australia, 1931, 41 years 8 months.
Mervyn Barker introduced mashed and pontiac potato to Australia, Petersville.
Grandpa Mervyn Barker market researcher was Phil Ruthven before IBIS World.
Grandpa and Grandma had Patsy, Wilfrid, Mervyn, Beverley, Denise, Christine.
Uncle Wilfrid Barker worked for Sir Frank Packer, Sir Peter Abels and Rupert Murdoch.
Wilfrid Barker won Sports Marketing & Management bid 2000 Olympics, Sydney.

BARKER                                WHO'S WHO IN AUSTRALIA 2000
BARKER Wilfrid John; FAIM; Media and Market Consultant, since 1986; son of:  M G Barker; b. Aug. 1 1928; ed.St Virgil's Coll.(TAS), Univ. Tas.; career:  Exec. Chmn CEO Wilf Barker Aust. Pty Ltd, R&R Pub. Mktg Pty Ltd, Baylin Dev. Pty Ltd, Dir Sunraysia TV Ltd, Javelin Travelin Pty Ltd, Project Dir Lon/Syd. Air Race Pty Ltd 2001, CEO Sports Mktg and Mgmt Pty Ltd 1986-1996, former Dir Mayne Nickless Ltd, former CEO Javelin Communications Pty Ltd, Chmn Media Cl Aust. 1982-84, Dir Network 10 Aust. Pty Ltd 1983-86, Gen. Mgr 1980-86, TV Dev. News Ltd, United Telecasters Ltd 1980-85, Bcast FM Pty Ltd 1979-85, Gen. Mgr and Dir Austarama TV(ATV 10) 1979-80, Dep. Gen. Mgr and Sales Dir 1972-78, Sales Dir Nat. Nine Network 1971-72, TCN9 1967-71, GTV9 1965-67; Chmn Fedn Aust. Comm. TV Stations (FACTS) 1980-82, FACTS Res. Cttee 1974-78, Chmn and Memb. TV Advertising Bd 1967-78; Project Dir Aust. Bicentennial Opening Celebrations; Cowan TV award, Olympic Order Merit; m.  Dec 14, 1996 Prassede, d. C Boschiero, 1 s 1 d; 22 Belcote Street, Longueville NSW 2066

27 Dunios street Longueville NSW 2066
Tell 61 2 9428 34 36 Facts 61 2 9418 3647 Mob 61 419 997 505
Level 3/77 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060
Tell 61 2 9959 5722 Facts 61 2 9966 1807 Mob 61 419 997 505
Uncle Wilf Barker & Phil Ruthven both worked for Grandpa. Grandpa helped Phil Ruthven set up The IBIS Group and his company was the first company advised by The IBIS Group. Phil Ruthven has grown to be the leading adviser in Australia and throughout the World.

Phil Ruthven Chairman IBISWorld 61 3 9650 2166 61 3 9650 4033

Reception Level 3, I Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 AUSTRALIA

A/Lt.Cdr. Jacques Frederick Bayliss , RIN - Allied Warship ...
Warship Commands listed for Jacques Frederick Bayliss, RIN ... You can help improve officers Jacques Frederick Bayliss's page. Click here to Submit ...

R v BAILIFF [2011] ACT SC 214 http://rvbailiff2011actsc214 ...

John Lawler, Paul Jevotovic, Warren Gray, Judith Lind, Damian Powell, Ben McDevitt, Jonathan Nicholl, John Ballantyne, Karen Hartfield, Kathryn McMullan, John Moss, Richard Grant, Col Goodsell, Matthew McCreadie, David Lacey, Carolyn Scheetz, Mike Harrison, Samantha Chard, Philippa de Veau are reported to Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity for Google Holy See Embassy 22:31 website.
612 6243 6666                     John Lawler                     44 Mort Street Canberra ACT 2601                     612 6243 6687
612 9373 2100                     Warren Gray                     L10, B, 280 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2001                     612 9373 2199
613 8636 7111                     Jonathan Nicholl                     L3, 452 Flinders Street Melbourne VIC 3001                     613 8636 7399

618 9265 6789                     John Ballantyne                     L3 619 Murray Street Perth WA 6001                     618 9265 6780
617 3243 0800                     Ben McDevitt                     L3, 139 Coronation Drive Milton QLD 4064                     617 3243 0899
618 8217 6300                     Damien Powell                     55 Currie Street Adelaide SA 5001                     618 8217 6360

613 8636 7395                     Matthew McCreadie                     L5, 47 Liverpool Street Hobart TAS 7000                     613 8336 7395
618 8217 6200                     Col Goodsell                     814 McMillans Road Darwin NT 0828                     618 8217 6215
618 8217 6220                     John Lawler                     L1, 25 Todd Mall Alice Springs NT 0870                     618 8951 5939  612 6141 2345 Philip Moss Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity GPO Box 605 Canberra ACT 2601 612 6230 7341

R v BAILIFF [2011] ACT SC 214 http://rvbailiff2011actsc214

Dear Sarah, My impairment is I had brain damage as I was unconscious for a month in as a result of a motor vehicle accident. I still made R v Bailiff.

You are welcome to read the forensic psychiatric report, forensic psychological report and forensic neuropsychological report - in subject bar.

Thanks Alexander Marcel Andre Sebastian Barker Bailiff aka Mr Healesville 04 3777 3777

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URL you will find 16 blogs archived...important is Rachel Michelle Piercey aka 6 March 1973 born Scefferville Quebec Canada is entitled to Canadian Passport due to birth. If go to you will find an index of same 16 blogs archived at INDEX OF 16 BLOG ARCHIVE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
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born Bayliss changed to Bailiff when I was 30 as I was to make law precedent R v Bailiff ACTSC 214 Not guilty by reason of mental impairment.
  • Given names:
Alexander Marcel Andre Sebastian Barker
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04 3777 3777
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PO Box 180 Kings Cross NSW 1340
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